P/E 200TEU:n konttialukselle tai GC:lle
Pyydä tunnus 363
Kategoria Irtolastialus
Rakennusvuosi 1999...
Pyydä lisäyspäivämäärä 2021-11-28
lisännyt Dylan Lee (STA Marine Digital, SnP (Seoul))

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DWT 4000...
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Original message

P/E for a 200TEU container ship or GC

P/E for a 200TEU container ship or GC
For direct buyers, we are looking for ;
Container ship
- BLT : 1999 onward ( imperative)
- Capacity : abt. 200 TEUs
- Builder : Korean or Japanese
- Geared or Gearless
General cargo ship
- BLT : 1999 onward ( imperative)
- DWT : 4000~5500 MT
- Hold : box type preferred
- Builder : Korean or Japanese
- Geared or Gearless
Please propose.
P+C units to be treated as such.
Best regards,
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